Press release

ARCHI-SKIN in Forum akademickie

ARCHI-SKIN in Forum akademickie

Press release

ARCHI-SKIN mentioned by the University of Primorska

ARCHI-SKIN mentioned by the University of Primorska

Press release

ARCHI-SKIN mentioned by Sirris

ARCHI-SKIN mentioned by Sirris

Press release

ARCHI-SKIN among projects highlighted by ERC

ARCHI-SKIN among projects highlighted by ERC

Invited talk


Anna Sandak “Bioinspired living skin for architecture (ARCHI-SKIN) – a new concept for materials protection” presented during Workshop: Microbiological, genetic and chemical research of cultural heritage monuments from Serbia and Slovenia and its knowledge integration with renewable materials scientists, July 18, 2022

Invited talk

FRISSBE project kick off event

Anna Sandak “Bioinspired materials, innovative coatings, engineered living materials – a novel approach to achieve sustainability of materials” presented during Fire safety and sustainability at a crossroads: how do we find a joint way forward?  June 24, 2022

Invited talk

Green building council event

Anna Sandak “Material protection and ARCHI-SKIN project concept – self healing living coating system” presented during Green Building Council Workshop, June 3rd, 2022