Invited talk

Invited lecture of dr Anna Sandak at the Women, Minorities and STEMinists in Science Week

Invited lecture of dr Anna Sandak at the Women, Minorities and STEMinists in Science Week – “Resilience Beyond Earth: Opportunities for Engineered Living Materials in Space”

Invited talk

Dr. Anna Sandak held a keynote speech at the Forum Wood Building Baltic

Dr. Anna Sandak held a keynote speech at the Forum Wood Building Baltic

Invited talk

Dr. Anna Sandak will be keynote speaker at the Women in Science Week 2024

Dr. Anna Sandak will be keynote speaker at the Women in Science Week 2024 

Invited talk

Dr. Anna Sandak joined a workshop about preparing successful ERC project application

Dr. Anna Sandak shared their experience and advice on how to successfully prepare ERC project applications during “The path to a successful ERC project application” workshop

Invited talk

Anna Sandak invited as speaker at the International Wood Architecture Conference in Tallinn

Anna Sandak invited as speaker at the International Wood Architecture Conference in Tallinn

Invited talk

Dr. Anna Sandak at the workshop about preparing successful ERC application

Dr. Anna Sandak at the workshop about preparing successful ERC application

Invited talk

Dr Anna Sandak invited as keynote speaker at the InnovaWood General Assembly

Dr Anna Sandak invited as keynote speaker at the InnovaWood General Assembly

Invited talk

Dr. Anna Sandak joined panel discussion with ERC president Prof. Dr. Marie Leptin

Dr. Anna Sandak joined panel discussion with ERC president Prof. Dr. Marie Leptin

Invited talk

Interview in Tromba

Read about the project in an interview with Dr. Anna Sandak published in Tromba, a magazine for the production and dissemination of news about science, creativity and innovation.

Invited talk


Anna Sandak “Bioinspired living skin for architecture (ARCHI-SKIN) – a new concept for materials protection” presented during Workshop: Microbiological, genetic and chemical research of cultural heritage monuments from Serbia and Slovenia and its knowledge integration with renewable materials scientists, July 18, 2022