Dr. Anna Sandak editor for Special Issue “Women’s Special Issue Series: Coatings”
Category: Press release
ARCHI-SKIN paper highlighted by Coatings
The journal Coatings decided to highlight on their front page the article “Assessing the Bioreceptivity of Biobased Cladding Materials,” recently published by Dr. Karen Butina Ogorelec, Ana Gubenšek, Faksawat Poohphajai, and Dr. Anna Sandak, InnoRenew CoE researchers.
InnoRenew CoE researchers at the IUBMB Focused Meeting on Extremophilic Fungi conference
Engineered Living Materials (ELM) Laboratory at InnoRenew CoE
Research conducted in the Engineered Living Materials (ELM) Laboratory
ARCHI_SKIN results presented during NIR 2023 in Innsbruck
ARCHI-SKIN co-organize International Workshop – Service life performance of coated wood products – performance, deterioration and modelling
The 2nd Scientific Advisory Board took place in Izola on May 4-5.
Engineered Living Materials Laboratory established at InnoRenew CoE by the ARCHI-SKIN team
Anna Sandak joined the editorial board of Bioinspired and Complex Materials, a section within Frontiers in Biomaterials Science, as Review Editor