The ARCHI-SKIN team organized a workshop on preparation of the ERC project proposals. Join us on Thursday, 16 February 2023, at 13:00 in the InnoRenew CoE building (sequoia room).
Category: Press release
Dr. Sandak invited as a topic editor in Frontiers in Materials and encourages contributions for the special issue “Nature-Inspired Materials and Surfaces”
Ana Gubenšek collaborated with artists Saša Spačal and Kaitlin Bryson from the Projekt Atol Institute in the frame of the exhibition Radiotrophic Fungarium or How to Make a Coat for Marie Curie
Dr. Anna Sandak invited by the Swiss National Science Foundation to join AcademiaNet – the expert database for outstanding female academics. The database at lists more than 3500 profiles of top-class female researchers of all disciplines. All of them were nominated by distinguished European research organizations because of their outstanding qualifications and achievements.
Dr Karen Butina Ogorelec among 2023 RCA Awardees.
The Ron Cockcroft Award committee has awarded RCA travel awards to 13 applicants to attend the IRG54 meeting in Cairns, Australia at the end of May 2023
Karen will present the latest results of the ARCHI-SKIN project – assessment of fungal colonization on biobased cladding materials with conventional and high-throughput methods
ARCHI-SKIN project mentioned by the Slovenian Press Agency “Slovenian researchers fight against wood decay with living coatings for self-healing materials”
dr. Karen Butina Ogorelec joined discussion “From forests to homes – the future of sustainable construction” organized by STA, and presented the ARCHI-SKIN project concept.
Dr. Anna Sandak will be convening Special Session: Novel strategies for wood protection – progress and challenges at IRG54 in Cairns, Australia.
Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS) published 2021 Annual Report related to selection of scientific achievements and financial structure of the allocated funds. This year’s section »In the spotlight« offers interview with Slovenian ERC grantees. You can find an interview with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Anna Sandak on page 18-20.
1st SAB meeting
1st Scientific Advisory Board was held online on November 24, 2022. After introduction of participants ARCHI-SKIN team members presented project overview and provided update regarding ongoing activities. SAB members provided constructive feedback related to scientific and technical aspects of the project. Next meeting will in organized in Izola during spring 2023.